Some of the questions he poses to the readers are, what they expect from a company, their knowledge of the firm, and whether this decision will have a positive impact on their career. In one of the chapters, entitled Making an Effective Job Change, the readers are provided with a 30 question quiz that helps them examine every possible change that could occur as a result of their decision to switch jobs. This book comprises quizzes and exercises that help the reader test themselves to find out their level of professionalism. This book is intended to be a complementary text to the previous book, and provides the readers with a more hands-on, DIY style format, which helps them assess themselves. In his previous book, The Professional: Defining the New Standard of Excellence at Work, Bagchi threw light on his definition of professional, by explaining the attitude factor, action plans, the correct aptitude, and skills needed for becoming a successful professional.

The Professional Companion: How To Make The Best Of Your Workplace Skills provides the readers with practical information to make them more professional in their workplaces. However, it is imperative for such individuals to analyze themselves from time to time, to determine whether they are meeting standards of excellence or not. In most cases, individuals have their own set of dos and don’ts for achieving professional excellence at their workplace. A comprehensive and contemporary treatise on the art, science and 'witchcraft' behind selling, Sell! will redefine the meaning of salesmanship.The Professional Companion: How To Make The Best Of Your Workplace Skills is a book that throws light on several important aspects of professionalism at workplaces. Elaborating on the essential skills to be a successful seller whether of a product, a service, an idea, an organization, or even of personal skills Bagchi crystallizes his on-the ground knowledge about salesmanship through stories and anecdotes from his vast repertoire of experiences and extensive reading to provide wise and profound insights and advice on making an impact on others and acquiring the power to influence their decisions. It is an empathy-led, process-driven, knowledge-intensive discipline.' In his new book, Sell! the first book on the subject by an Indian practitioner of business bestselling author and inspiration to generations of entrepreneurs, Subroto Bagchi presents the concepts of selling and salesmanship from his unique perspective.

'Everyone is a salesperson by some measure, and selling is not a pushy, winner-take-all, macho act.